Harsha S. Bhat
English Français
I am a senior CNRS Research Scientist (Directeur de Recherche) working at the Laboratoire de Géologie in Ecole Normale Supérieure and a Professor at Laboratoire de Mécanique Solides, Ecole Polytechnique. I am also a visiting Professor at National Institute of Science Education and Research, India.

I work mainly at the interface between Earthquake Physics and Solid Mechanics making occasional excursions into Rock Mechanics, Tectonics and Seismology.

I am a solid mechanician and earthquake source physicist by training. I obtained my B. E. in Civil Engineering from Karnataka Regional Engineering College in India (now called the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal). I then proceeded to obtain my Ph. D. from Harvard University, under the supervision of Prof. James R. Rice and Dr. Renata Dmowska. I did my postdoctoral studies jointly between at Caltech and the University of Southern California. Here I worked with Prof. Ares J. Rosakis and Prof. Charles G. Sammis.

I joined CNRS in Jan. 2012 as a Grade 1 Research Scientist, and began working at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) until Apr. 2016.

I have been awarded the Prix Michel Gouilloud Schlumberger from the Academié des Sciences. You can watch the ceremony here. I was also awarded an European Research Council Consolidator Grant for the amount of 2.0M€ for my project PERSISMO.